Restorative ReEntry Services

Services available in English and Spanish

For Adults and Youth

Alcohol & Drug Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and ongoing assessment and treatment planning. Includes screening, intake, individual and group counseling.

Mindful Kindness

12-step program focused on mindfulness and kindness, and the many benefits of living a kindful life. This program helps cope with stress in the reentry process.

Domestic Violence

Our reentry Domestic Violence addresses the 52-week batterers, intervention, and advocates. One of the most difficult areas in transitioning is managing relationships.

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Anger Management

Equip individuals with skills to manage and express anger effectively. Stress management, communication workshops, and conflict resolution. 

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Life Skills

Prepare individuals for daily living and successful community reintegration. Budgeting, time management, and other essential skills.

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Parenting Classes

Support effective and responsible parenting. Child development education and positive discipline strategies fostering growth.

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12-Step Programs

Support recovery through structured peer programs. Regular meetings, sponsor support, and step work. Peer to Peer encouragement and reintegration.

Financial Literacy

Enhance financial literacy and independence. Budgeting, saving, debt management, and financial planning. Persons reintegrating to the community will learn about finances.

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Digital Literacy

Improve digital skills for technology proficiency. Internet safety, social media usage, and basic computing. In today’s society navigating the digital platform equals success.

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Resumes, Interviewing, and Job Placement

Aid in workforce preparation. Resume-building workshops, mock interviews, and personal branding strategies. Collaborate with businesses and organizations to place participants in the job.

Continuing Recovery or Treatment Planning

Deliver a dynamic response to each client’s recovery journey. Regular review meetings, goal setting, progress tracking, and flexible treatment adjustments. We support you.

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Gang Diversion

Kindful Restoration’s Gang Diversion Program helps youth escape the dangers of street life by providing mentorship, programming, and supportive guidance. We empower young people to make positive choices and build a brighter, more secure future.

Commitment to Community Safety and Personal Development

Kindful Restoration, is deeply committed to enhancing public safety by reducing recidivism and supporting the successful reentry of probationers and parolees. We believe in the potential of every individual to transform their lives and make positive contributions to their communities. Our services are designed to empower our clients, offering them the tools and support they need to achieve stability, compliance, and personal fulfillment.

At Kindful Restoration, we specialize in supporting the unique needs of probationers and parolees in Riverside, CA, offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to facilitate successful reintegration into the community. Our programs are crafted with an understanding of the challenges faced by individuals transitioning out of the criminal justice system. They are aligned with local legal and community resources to provide holistic support.

Kindful Restoration is dedicated to providing a comprehensive suite of services designed to address the needs of those seeking recovery and reintegration into the community. Our programs are built on a foundation of respect, care, and belief in every individual’s potential for change and growth.

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