Who We Are

San Bernardino Probation

Our Vision

Kindful Restoration envisions a future where individuals overcome the cycles of addiction and incarceration. With our pioneering Kindness Tool, we aim to infuse every interaction with empathy, mindfulness, and kindness, empowering individuals for a dignified recovery and successful reintegration. Our vision is to be a beacon of hope and healing, fostering resilience and personal growth, and transforming lives and communities through the power of kindness.

Our Mission

Our mission at Kindful Restoration is to facilitate recovery and reintegration for individuals affected by addiction, dysfunction, and trauma. Using our Kindness Tools to guide interactions with mindfulness and kindness, we provide comprehensive support both inside correctional facilities and in outpatient settings. We focus on nurturing physical, social, mental, and emotional well-being, offering tailored counseling, mindfulness skills, kindness tools, and enhancing life skills. Our approach creates a supportive environment that prioritizes kindness, aiding in the healing and successful transition of participants who have been involved with the justice system.

Supporting the Community Solutions M.A.P opening

Our History

Ernesto Rodriguez published an essay on his personal experience with solitary confinement, vividly illustrating the severe mental impact and the harsh realities of such conditions. His powerful narrative aimed to raise public awareness and push for reforms in prison conditions.

23 August, 2016

The Mindful Kindness Program was launched at the California Medical Facility. Founded by Ernesto Rodriguez, this initiative was designed to transform the institutional culture by addressing issues of bullying and enhancing interpersonal relationships through mindfulness and kindness. This program was inspired by Ernesto's personal experiences with bullying during his childhood.

27 October, 2021

Ernesto proposed the Diner program as part of a broader commitment to personal development and community engagement. This program was the first effort by Kindful Restoration to cultivate a Culture of Collaboration, marking a significant step in their community-oriented initiatives.

September 2022

Ernesto began his role at Kindful Restoration, immediately engaging in the development and implementation of programs that aim to foster personal growth and give back to the community.

15 September, 2022

New Office, CA

Following his release from incarceration, Ernesto Rodriguez joined Kindful Restoration as a Program Developer.

06 September, 2022

New Office, CA

The Genesis of Kindful Restoration and KindR Foundation

In the vibrant and diverse communities of California, Kindful Restoration stands as a testament to the transformative power of mindful kindness, particularly within the challenging environments of prisons and societal reentry. Founded by visionaries Ernesto and Kathleen, Kindful Restoration emerged from a shared belief in every individual’s inherent potential for growth and transformation, regardless of their past.
Ernesto, with his deep roots in community service and unwavering belief in human potential, brought a unique blend of empathy, resilience, and firsthand understanding of the challenges faced by those reentering society. Kathleen, with her keen intellect, boundless energy, and a heart as expansive as the California sky, complemented Ernesto’s vision with her strategic acumen and passionate advocacy for systemic change.
Together, they established Kindful Restoration as a sanctuary where the incarcerated could find not only resources but also a supportive community committed to their recovery, rehabilitation, and successful transition. Their mission was clear: to forge pathways of hope and empowerment, ensuring that every individual had the opportunity to rebuild their lives on foundations of dignity, respect, and enduring support.
At the heart of Kindful Restoration’s ethos is the principle of “kindful” action—a term inspired by the generous spirit of Doug Carnine, whose belief in the transformative power of kindness was boundless. Doug’s financial and moral support were instrumental in realizing the vision of Kindful Restoration. His philosophy that kindness can indeed be a force for radical change influenced every aspect of the organization’s work, from designing reentry programs to cultivating a compassionate community support network.
Thanks to Doug’s steadfast support, Kindful Restoration launched a series of initiatives tailored to meet the varied needs of its participants. These range from the Mindful Kindness Program to the development of insight practices within prison walls, to personalized reentry plans that facilitate successful community reintegration. The organization stands as a beacon of belief that kindness, coupled with action, can dismantle the barriers faced by returning citizens.
This emphasis on mindfulness and kindness is especially apparent in Kindful Restoration’s innovative prison programming. By incorporating mindfulness and insight practices at the heart of prisons, Ernesto, Kathleen, and their team provide tools that offer profound benefits for inner peace and self-reflection. These programs not only help individuals navigate their emotions and thoughts more effectively but also foster environments of compassion and understanding within prison walls.
As Kindful Restoration continues to evolve, the legacies of Ernesto, Kathleen, and Doug shine as guiding lights, illuminating the path forward. Their story is more than historical; it is a living testament to the power of kindness, the strength of community, and the boundless potential for transformation within us all.

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