Kinder Prisons.
Kinder Communties.
Kinder People.

About Kindful Restoration

We offer our best to bring out the best in those we serve.

At Kindful Restoration our goal is to bring hope to every adult and youth in custody as well as both adult and youth that are system impacted by teaching them how to embrace a mindset of kindness towards themselves and others. As they learn prosocial behaviors, their desires, words, thoughts and actions will change and they will become individuals who lift, serve and encourage others.

Our Happy Graduates

Kindful Restoration executive directors

Ernesto & Kathleen on the bridge in the Healing Garden at Oregon State Penitentiary.


Why Kindful Restoration?

Proven Impact in Rehabilitation

Using evidence-based, compassionate approaches to dramatically reduce recidivism rates, our programs address the root causes of criminal behavior, empowering individuals to successfully reintegrate into society.

Tailored Support Systems

Our Mindful Kindness program, Insight, and Domestic Violence initiatives are carefully designed to address each individual’s unique needs. We focus on life skills development and holistic rehabilitation, ensuring that every participant receives personalized support tailored to their journey.

Community and Connection

Dedicated to building a supportive community that extends beyond our facility walls. We emphasize the power of connection, fostering community ties and networks that participants can rely upon after release, enhancing both personal growth and public safety.

We are here to help you!

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